We provide solar and EV charging leasing services paired with tailored land maximization consulting for both rural acreage and commercial properties. For rural owners, our team conducts accurate buildable acreage reports utilizing geographic analysis to showcase usable land for solar or EV infrastructure based on state policies. We handle the complex work of solar panel siting to optimize placement while avoiding potential barriers including wetlands and unbuildable acreage. Landowners leverage our diligent reporting when negotiating leases to validate value.

Our team assists with cultivating competitive bids from reputable solar developers to uncover partnerships that provide favorable terms and attractive long-term revenues to landowners. We also offer guidance on negotiating easements for related infrastructure needs in order to help owners capitalize on renewable energy leasing opportunities.

For commercial entities, our experts identify potential solar and EV installations from rooftop systems to charging station banks. We tap into connections with premier solar operations and financing firms to source partnership opportunities matched to each property’s unique potential and infrastructure.

From in-depth technical assessments to lease negotiations, our team helps land and building owners realize new revenue streams through renewable solar and EV charging projects tailored to the distinct opportunities presented by both rural and commercial spaces.
