$100M FutureVerse on Horizon in Downtown Atlanta

$100M FutureVerse on Horizon in Downtown Atlanta

A website promoting FutureVerse says visitors will be transported into immersive exhibits connected to the next generation of VR, AI, and Augmented Reality. The team behind the proposed $100 million museum has scouted sites near downtown’s mix of entertainment attractions. Centennial Yards is under consideration.

FutureVerse is supported by Emory Healthcare, UGA, GSU, Georgia Tech, and Morehouse Medical School. Architectural firm Cooper Carry has created renderings of the museum, which is projecting 1.2 million visitors per year and an inaugural revenue of $50 million.

The Future Health gallery, powered by Emory Healthcare, will focus on the human body, preventive health, AI in revolutionizing healthcare, and cutting-edge medical research. The Future Transportation gallery will explore space travel and advances in aerospace, automotive and locomotive engineering. 

Other galleries will include Future Earth, focused on climate change solutions; Future Tech, which will feature future home innovation technologies and products from across the country; Future Art, an interactive journey combining art and film with technology; and Future Play, a gaming arcade of the future.

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